If you are looking to avoid snow there is only one state in the United States without the white stuff on the ground: Florida!
This map is from the NOAA website - showing current snow coverage for the United States. Check out all-green Florida. Doesn't it just look warm and inviting.
Of course it has never snowed in Key West.
Not even close.
The lowest temperature ever recorded in Key West was 41 degrees. More typically - the temperatures are downright balmy (see average Key West temperature, rain, and water temperature stats).
As a result, Key West is categorized in USDA's Hardiness Zone 11, a subtropical climate where the average minimum temperature is above 40 degrees.
The only other place in the US in Zone 11? Hawaii. Where today it is predicted to snow 12-18 inches at elevations above 11,000 feet on the big island. Making Hawaii the 49th state to have snow on the ground.
And making Florida the only snow-free state.
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