Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Time for Change: Key West Needs a New Mayor

Morgan McPherson has had 4 years as mayor of Key West.

Thank you for your service.

But now, it is time for change.

Key West needs a change in leadership.  Key West needs a mayor with no special interests, is open to discussion and compromise, and has intelligent ideas for the future of Key West.

The island needs a mayor who will listen to the people - not just the developers.  The Bahama Village lease at the Truman Waterfront was voted on by the citizens.  Years later, the mayor continues to assail the BCCLT.  It would be better to have a mayor that could help and encourage the BCCLT's and Bahama Village's efforts.

Key West needs a mayor with new ideas.  During his tenure, McPherson has put forth very few.  One was his "Big Idea" for affordable housing.  Another, his vision for a "world class" waterpark at the Truman Annex.  The Big Idea has had little discussion in years.  If it is still on the table, why isn't it mentioned on McPherson's campaign website?  Truman Annex waterpark idea seemed out of touch with reality.  Does an island surrounded by warm, beautiful water really need a "water park". Most residents think not.

And too often the Mayor either doesn't articulate his idea clearly or is deliberately trying to be vague.  Recent statements about Key West needing another industry remind this writer of his devotion to real estate and development.

Lately the Mayor has been mentioning making Key West a carbon neutral city.  Sounds like a bunch of election year jawboning.  Regardless, experts in the eco field have dismissed this notion - saying it would be impossible for Key West to be carbon neutral due to the high number of planes, boats, and cruise ships versus its very small amount of land.

Key West is a wonderful place.  Anyone who lives here or visits will tell you.

Thank you Morgan for your service.  But now it is time for change.
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Webmaster AKC 1 said...

Never ceases to amaze me, how many people seem think a four year term for mayor is a good idea. I've always thought a two-year review is an excellent idea, especially in Key West!

Cayo Dave said...

I've always thought a two-year review is an excellent idea...
